Adam Grant, Wharton professor and
organizational psychology expert, explores the business impact of giving in his
popular book Give and Take: A Revolutionary
Approach to Success. He describes three kinds of
"reciprocity styles" that define how people tend to interact with
others—takers, matchers, and givers.
Takers are those who put their own
needs ahead of others. They are scarcity thinkers who see limited
opportunities, meaning there must be winners and losers. Winning means
bettering others, both inside and outside the firm. They fuel the growing (and
mostly inaccurate) perception that business leaders succeed at the expense of
Matchers are the most common style in
the workplace. These individuals seek a balance of giving and getting. They
operate on the principle of fairness, believing relationships should be
governed by an equal exchange of favors. Fairness, of course, is an innate
human value—even young children recognize it. So it's no surprise that most
people gravitate to this style of interaction.
Givers occupy the smallest group in
business. They are motivated to help others regardless of whether that act will
be reciprocated. While takers may offer help strategically when they see
personal benefit that outweighs the cost, givers feel rewarded simply by
giving. But they ultimately calculate the value of their giving not in how it
makes them feel, but in how much others are benefited by their generosity.
Best and Worst Performers
All three types of people can
succeed in business. Grant examined performance in three professional contexts:
engineering, medicine, and sales. He found that takers and matchers generally
fell somewhere in the middle. The poorest performers were predominantly givers.
They apparently helped others at the sacrifice of their own success. So which
reciprocity style was prominent among the top performers? Surprisingly, it was
givers again.
What determines whether givers sink
to the bottom or rise to the top? Grant offered this explanation: "I find
that failed givers were too altruistic: they sacrifice themselves to the point
of burning out and allowing others to use them. Successful givers put other
people first most of the time, but they focus on helping in ways that are not
at odds with their own interests. For example, it turns out that successful
givers specialize in five-minute favors, looking for ways of offering high
benefit to others at low personal cost. They ask people they mentor to 'pay it
forward,' expanding their giving to a broader audience, and are more cautious
when dealing with takers."
Givers Succeed
Successful givers carefully allocate
their time and energy in ways that enable them to fulfill their basic
responsibilities, while going the extra mile to help others. Which reciprocity
style best fits your interactions with others? If you are a giver, or seek to
become one, below are some tips to consider:
Give help freely. Most professionals who invest
time in helping others look for the potential payback. I'm prone to do the same
at times. For example, the opportunity to help an executive decision maker is
more likely to attract my attention than helping a lower-level employee. But
Grant found that successful givers were less discriminate in who they
helped—simply helping another was reward enough. But their kindness often
produced unanticipated benefits, both for the giver and for others. Giving can
multiply opportunity and success.
But maintain your professional
responsibilities. This
is where failed givers often stumbled. Their giving interfered with doing their
job well. Grant cited one study that found that engineers with the lowest
productivity and most errors tended to be those who did far more favors for
their colleagues than they received. Engineers who balanced giving and taking
were generally average performers. But the top performers managed to give
freely without compromising their job responsibilities.
Be judicious in how you spend your
time. As mentioned above, this is the
critical trait of successful givers. They find ways to give time to others
without shortchanging their other responsibilities. Following are some ways to
accomplish this, coming both from Grant's book and my own experience:
- Set "office hours." Givers are inclined to embrace an open-door policy, welcoming all comers who seek their help. But this can significantly reduce your productivity because of the many interruptions. A better option is to block your time for specific activities. For example, you might set aside at least a few mornings each week to focus on project work, limiting interruptions to only those that are time sensitive. Then open your doors in the afternoon to offer help to those who might seek it.
- Make referrals. Grant found that successful givers often referred people to others who could better help them. These were frequently other givers who welcomed the chance to share their insights. Referring is not just a diversionary tactic, but a genuine effort to match the person seeking help with the best resource. If that person is outside the firm, an introduction may be in order. Of course, givers will typically seek to reciprocate those to whom they made referrals, whether or not that is expected.
- Focus on professional development. Successful givers don't just share their time and advice, they make investments in others. This involves helping others grow their own skills and insights. So rather than simply answering a question, you might respond with questions designed to help the person come to the answer on their own. Or you might show someone how to do something rather than merely tell them. This is akin to the old proverb: "Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime." Failed givers often help in ways that promote dependency, where others continue to seek their help without learning how to help themselves.
- Compile helpful resources to share with others. As I wrote previously ("Why You Should Be Hoarding Content"), there are many advantages in building a library of helpful information and advice. Since I routinely collect and produce content for my business, I am able to share this with others who request help with a minimum investment of my time. And since this content expands on what we may have talked about previously, and can be readily shared with still others, it's a great way for me to broaden the reach of my help. You can do the same—when you discover good content, consider who you might share it with. And file it away for future sharing opportunities.